City in the clouds

City in the clouds

08 June 2011

Combining The Awesome AND The Legendary (A&L)

I wrote this as a Birthday present but I decided to post it as well because it’s the truth. And truth is rare nowadays, so when it is said it should be said out loud.

For vast majority of the population this day might just seem as any other but I may assure you, things are never as they seem and this day is not an exception. Exactly 22 years ago, hidden in the forests of northern Slovakia (actually, it was in the hospital, but for the sake of the story I might be forced to enhance some details... to protect Katarina’s identity) a little girl was born (which was the second historical event that happened that year... the first took place in the evening of April 8th).
This little girl (let’s call her Miss K), was born with an awesome but (for many years to follow) hidden potential because all of the great potentials start out as hidden and have to blossom their way into ignorant world. Her eyes were green, her hair rich golden and simply beautiful, however that would not stop her from complaining about them for the rest of her life which would really drive crazy one of her unnamed best friends who wishes to stay anonym... (although they did not posses healing powers and pretty much stayed golden even after being cut, thus she never had the opportunity to grow them long enough to employ them for bungee jumping or catching young sexy thieves.. so in retrospect I start to understand her hair related sorrow).
Growing up in untamed wilderness of Slovakian nature (an enhanced detail), seeing lovely, nonetheless only very limited part of the world, Miss K marked with strong A&L syndrome felt misunderstood and alone during her childhood and early adolescent years. However, these unfavourable circumstances armed her with modesty (sometimes really but really out of place), hardworking nature... and lots of build up energy and enthusiasm and certain amount of craziness (but those last three would manifest themselves slightly later...). In any case, thanks to all that, when little girl grew up to be a fair maiden, she was ready to kick-ass.
Once upon an awful, life-and-afterlife-demanding unnamed high school- Hlinska 29- our paths crossed and that my friends was a Beginning of an incredibly long lasting legendary hell of an End, which has no intentions of ending at all. First three years, we got along without knowing that much about each other but then as it is in life... a bit of wine and lot of talking to the right person at the right time brings out the awesome and the legendary to the spotlight it deserves. Well, innocent conversation turned into evil plans planning... caramel latte turned to Tchai-tea latte... and wine turned to... well wine stayed wine J.
Miss K is one of the most interesting people I have met in my life and I think it will stay that way. She is one of those few who carry that certain quality inside, a reassuring quality of a strong human being. Sometimes she makes people nervous, mainly because she will never let you see behind the scene... you never know what she is thinking (well, except me but that took years and years of practice, lots of wine, coffee and ice-cream... plus we are genius minds who think alike) .... All you are left with is all-hiding smile, like a barricade you will never get behind. Nevertheless, you end up trusting her very quickly without really knowing why and you will be right in doing so.
What I want to say is... during a life time, you might come across all kinds of people. Some you like, some of them not so much... but among those hundreds of fading faces is one or two or three who are adding flavour to everyday life... who make cheap wine taste like heaven... who bring the A&L syndrome even to the worst, if you happen to come across one of those people do not let them go. Miss K is one of THE kind for me.
She struggles and fights and never gives up even when she is really tempted. Situation like these are difficult for her. She says she is a pessimist but I never believed that. I think she was born a dreamer... an optimist who was very unfortunately forced to think ‘realistically’ (which is nowadays-for some inexplicable reason- a synonym to ‘pessimistic’). I always admired her and I told her so many times but I do not think she believed me because as this kind of very special A&L people usually are... she doesn’t realize her strength or, in other words, she is way too realistic to admit a person like her could exist (and this is one of the main reasons I am writing this) because Miss K whether you want it or not, whether you agree or not, this is the truth and you know that I am always right!
When one of my other friends heard us speak to each other she was shocked: ‘You are so mean to each other!’ she said... We laughed... Well, it is true a little bit. When you find a friend to whom you can tell anything, even the worst kind of joke or a commentary that should in no case cross mind of a young fair lady... a friend with whom you can stay quiet without feeling awkward... a friend to whom you do not have to apologise for your moods, tastes, twisted ideas or way too inappropriate remarks... a friend with whom you can have a ‘I know-exactly-what-you-are-thinking-girl/dude’ glance even over the phone... a friend with whom you can ruthlessly pull each other’s leg, make pranks and use the worst language without being offended, judged or considered a psychopath/nymphomaniac/snob/pathological liar/or any kind of other –maniac ... stick to them... It is highly probable you will not meet anyone quite like them again...
So, Miss K, I am sorry if you thought that one day you will get rid of me! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! Muahahahahahahahahaha.....
Miss K has an aura of a Femme Fatale (again everyone else knows that except her)... well she is refined and wicked... but also so good-hearted every single Saint in heaven will cry hysterically at her death bed... And the business world (or any other kind of world she will decide to conquer) will fall into the crisis just out of sorrow... and thick heavy unreadable biographies will be written about her (like the one about Warren Buffet!)... Or I might even write one... (Oh imagine that!! A book about her written by me??? So destined to be a bestseller!)
Of course, Miss K, you are aware of the fact that you are also totally obnoxious and like whatever.... J But it’s your birthday so I will leave that evil part out... just for today...
Love ya!
 Happy birthday!
Now go and kick-ass!
As Buzz Lightyear once said: ‘To infinity... and beyond!’