City in the clouds

City in the clouds

24 November 2013


When I returned from holidays I found a thick envelope lying on my table. It was my new job contract. I finally got a secure position... I should be happy perhaps, but I am not so sure this is what I feel. I sat down and went through it. Line by line, page by page reading through all the rules and entitlements... until I got the 'pension plan' paragraph. As I read it, I could feel a violent urge to REBEL inside me... All I wanted to do is to grab my backpack, sell everything I own, grab a car, plane, helicopter, bicycle - whatever- and go visit a part of the world I have never seen before (the wilder, the better).

You see I like the job, I like the people.. it's all good for me... Yet, good things should not feel like you are signing a contract with the devil. I thought about it a little... then I took a piece of paper and wrote a letter shortly stating that I do not wish to enter the pension scheme.

You probably think I am crazy... well, truth be told, I think I am too. However, I am not too worried about that. Crazy people are the best ones I know... the happiest ones as well.

To me a feeling of security given to you by anything or anybody outside yourself is nothing but an ILLUSION. It's not real. No one can promise me I will live long enough to enjoy the money I save now... no one can promise me I will be healthy enough... no one can promise me that I will spend my old age in security! The world changes all the time. By the time I am 60, the world as we know  might not even exist. And even if I live a long, long life and all is still the same... Long life and sufficient pension do not MEAN pr PROVE that I had the life I desired... an adventurous life full of passion, crazy ideas, love and sorrow, a life that is FULL OF LIFE.

If your argument is that I 'need to think about my future'... Well, that is EXACTLY what I'm doing. Most people spend their lives 'thinking about their future', trying to make it as secure as possible so they buy 10 different kinds of insurance and pensions and all kinds of 'just-in-case' crap. All in case something happens!
If I have a worry in life it is this one: That nothing will ever happen to me!

How scary is that! To me that is the worst possible scenario of life I can imagine. Things happen, that's part of life... both 'good' and 'bad' is beautiful and necessary.

Have you seen V for Vendetta? do you remember when Evey says to Finch: 'Because he was right, this country needs more that a building right now'? Well, in similar spirit, my soul needs more that a pension plan right now!

A simple act for the sake of principle... of an idea.... is very powerful. It will not let me to 'fall asleep'. Even if, in next few months, the circumstances model my life into a routine... I will remember that I DO NOT WANT to sell my desires for a cheap replica of security.

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